
Innovation Management

We provide a range of advisory and technical services to assist organisations with development and implementation of their innovation strategy, including coaching and mentoring staff at all levels, idea collection and validation, market analysis, and intellectual property protection advice and filing service.  Specialist services include contract negotiation, drafting and review, collaboration and partner agreements, IP policy support and guidance for research.

Intellectual Property Management

We assist organisations to produce or validate business cases to establish support for innovation commercialisation. We identify and undertake due diligence on commercial partners, including market research, competitor intelligence, market readiness and end-user product review. We draft and negotiate commercial intellectual property agreements, and provide on-going IP and commercial support (e.g. business analysis, marketing, business development).

Innovation Infrastructure

We assist organisations to put in place sustainable and appropriate innovation infrastructure / processes and procedures aligned to quality improvement and transformation programs, whilst being cognisant of the culture and innovation maturity of the organisation. Provide on-going specialist support / Transparency and reporting ensuring programs deliver and do


Impartial Advice and Assessment

We are part of the healthcare innovation landscape and are extensively networked and have commercialised a wide variety of innovations including medical devices, diagnostics, IT solutions, Apps, and training solutions. Our proprietary innovation assessment tool has been developed over the last decade to meet the needs and requirements of our customers and allows us to validate ideas robustly.

Need Help Troubleshooting a problem?

Often we are called in to advise on commercially sensitive and confidential issues relating to innovation and commercialisation. Our commercial financial and legal expertise allows us to troubleshoot for organisations particularly around commercial or semi commercial projects that are struggling financially or where there is a conflict with a third party.


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